Posts in Behavior
Dismantling the LGBT "Born this Way" Argument

Being “born this way” is a hot phrase for LGBT advocates, especially as they confront Christian objections to LGBT behavior. It seems like a perfect defense because it blames the Creator. The argument is simply: If God exists and created me, then it’s His will or fault that I am this way. It’s a catchy marketing slogan, but it’s a bullshit argument.

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Why Did This Happen to You?

As you collect the pieces of your life, a question will haunt you: Why did this happen? It's the same question I've asked countless times. In our divinely complex and ordered world, it's impossible not to question why senseless, unmerited suffering occurs. The answer won't be simple, but don't fear the question. The question is for your good — not your torment.

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What Joel Osteen Can Teach Us About Racism

Under normal circumstances, a megachurch pastor isn't able to eclipse the media's focus on a catastrophic natural disaster. However, instead of following our usual path (blaming the government), the public seems to have decided that Mr. Osteen is the true villain of Houston's massive flooding. Indeed, these are not normal circumstances...

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Because We Broke Our Marriage Vows

Husbands and wives generally don't appreciate unsolicited marriage advice. Even when facing high-risk situations, most people don't want someone else telling them what to do — they just want affirmation. But sometimes affirmation isn't healthy, just, nor deserved. Sometimes people need to be held accountable and asked to change. Sometimes unrelenting truth is the most merciful thing one can offer. And that's a bitter pill to swallow.

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"I Don't Love My Wife Anymore"

I've talked to many couples facing seemingly doomed marriages. More often than not, the root cause isn't infidelity or addictions or crimes. Usually, the heart of a maritally disengaged spouse is summed up in a single statement: "I don't love my wife/husband anymore." It's tragic and heartbreaking. Mostly because it's based on a lie.

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10 Ways You're Ruining Your Marriage

Marriages end with all sorts of excuses. The reality though is that marriages only end for ten reasons. If you've already read The Marriage Commandments, you know what those reasons are. You know the 10 principles you have to keep to keep your marriage strong. But most don't know. So, based somewhat on those 10 principles, here is a quick rundown of 10 ways you might be ruining your marriage.

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Christ Didn't Die for Our Individuality

Instead of drawing close to our nine friends and excluding everyone else, we should pour out our lives for those who will be reconciled to God — especially when they may not share our beliefs. If we are truly the Body of Christ, we have to be willing to endure pain, discomfort, and disappointments. Self-preservation, whether it be of body, reputation, or ideas, should never be a deciding factor. As the Church, we must lay down our lives.

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She Gets the Revelation First

Throughout the Bible, we can see God's purposeful inclusion of women. When we are inclusive of women, we're acting in the character of God. At many of Scripture's most pivotal moments, and at many of the first expressions of our theology, God granted women the honor of being the forerunners and standard-bearers. Moreover, we often see God granting revelation to women first.

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"But the Preacher Is a Lady"

There are many third rails in Church traditions. Among the most hotly contested over the last 2,000+ years pertains to what women should (or most often, should not) do within the Church. The feelings run so strong that the functions of women within churches often becomes the single most defining issue in many congregations.

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